Saturday, September 09, 2017

Summer Vacation Redux #23: Dubois, Wyoming

After coming into Dubois, we visited the local shops and stopped at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church. The service was over and the crew gone, but I have an odd connection to this little parish. When I was on the vestry at St. Margaret's in Washington, D.C., one of our assistant priests was Lynn Cunningham. He retired from DC and moved to Wyoming to take on the priesthood at this little church. Circumstances did work out to meet up, but it was interesting to be a place that he has come to serve. Good man. Another highlight was visiting the Rustic Pine Tavern with Greg. His father was a carpenter plus! and worked on the latest renovation--which I think like goes back to the 1930's. What a beautiful structure.
 Downtown, Dubois! Not even one stoplight...
 Dubois Post Office 82513
 St. Thomas Episcopal Church

 The Wyoming Wildlife window at St. Thomas church.
 Greg and Barney on Main Street.
 Barney's butt on the boardwalk with the names of contributors to the town's infrastructure.

 Greg happy to show us some of his father's handiwork.
 Dubois city park on the Wind River.

 Dubois, Wyoming in one shot!
The view on the other side of the road!

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