Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Summer Vacation Redux #26: Denver Zoo, part 9

The final sweep of the zoo was to head back into its heart and visit the majority of African Bovines and Lions.  (There is an exception of Australian Kangaroos and Emus.)  In fact, the final exhibit was the African Lion habitat.  Having arrives at 9 AM and it now being half past 4 PM, the fact that the Lions were not hanging out in the visible areas of their habitat was just something I could not be overly concerned about.  Every zoo is a crap-shoot.  You have to embrace the things you see and not worry about the ones you do not.
 By now I should be turning these images into an animal identification quiz for my friends!  Two Lesser Kudu, Tragelaphus imberbis, does.

 A somewhat shy, Common Eland, Taurotragus oryx.

 Members of a very contented herd of Eastern Mountain Bongo, Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci.

 It was so fiesta time all over the zoo now! One of two very sleepy Cheetahs, Acinonyx jubatus.
 Some of the members of a troop of Red Kangaroos, Macropus rufus, who were also all conked out!
 The Emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae, was still strutting.
 This little wild rabbit was a "volunteer" inhabitant of the Denver Zoo. Some member of the Western Cottontail species, I suppose!
 Southern African Cape Buffalo, Syncerus caffer.
A lazy, lovely Spotted Hyena, Crocuta crocuta. Doesn't it have a beautiful face?    

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