Thursday, September 14, 2017

Summer Vacation Redux #28: Denver Civic Center Park

The final day in Denver was a day for art! And what a day it was, too. The Denver Art Museum is a two building-two block behemuth of art and culture. I was so excited that I arrived about 30 minutes before it opened just to spend some time in the area of the museum and state capitol where there is also a lovely park--"Civic Center Park".
 The Colorado State Capitol.
 The opposite end of the park is home to the Denver City Civic Building.
 This fountain is part of this grand loggia called the Voorhees Memorial to Denver built in 1919.

 A statue of the "Bronco Buster" to honor all the men who helped tame the west....irony understood.
 And this counter statue represents the dignity of Native Americans.

 "Wheel" appellation to follow.

 The current special exhibition: "The Western".

 The entire South Building is a work of art.

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