Sunday, September 17, 2017

Summer Vacation Redux #29: Denver Art Museum, part 10

The visit to the Denver Art Museum ended with the last of the three Special Exhibitions.  It was a photography show.  "Common Ground: Photographs by Fazal Sheikh, 1989-2013" perked my curiosity enough to want to see it, but not so much that if I had to miss it, I would have been burdened by the loss.  How wrong was I? 

Fazal Sheikh has taken his gift for composition, his knowledge of the mechanics of photography and his extreme humanity into some of the most desperate, disparate and dangerous places on this planet just to be a witness.  He doesn't preach.  He doesn't have to.  If you don't get it--you're pathological--because even a dumb and ignorant person feels empathy.  No one had to tell me that this exhibition was "a thin" space--as my dear friend would say--it's just obvious at every turn.  Every image fills you with a greater understanding of what it means to be human.  What more can I possibly say?  From image one to the end, it was a sacred experience.

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