Sunday, September 17, 2017

Summer Vacation Redux #29: Denver Art Museum, part 7

After lunch, I picked up where I left off on the second floor of the adjacent Frederic C. Hamilton Building in a gallery dedicated to American Art of the Western United States.  In its galleries were works of paints, photography, even a couple sculptures--a really nice example of Deborah Butterfield's found object horses.  But I will limit my sharing to a just few of the paintings.

"When Destiny Meets Oblivion" 2003 by Bill Schenck (1947 -

"Ranch Near Rocky Ridge" 2005 by Howard Post (1926 - 2010)

"Half Dome, Yosemite" 2013 by Gregory Kondos (1923 - 

Upon first glance, I was certain that this was a painting by Richard Deibenkorn.  And here's when it's really nice to be wrong--when your love for one artist leads you to discover a new artist!

"Medicine Bird" circa 1944 by Gerald Curtis Delano (1890 - 1972)

"Mountain Lake (Eagle Nest)" 1935 by Ernest L. Blumenschein (1874 - 1960)

I was delighted to see this painting by Blumenschein.  For over 20 years I taught with a woman who's married name was Blumenschein and first discovered this artist at the Smithsonian Museum of American Art in DC, making the connection to her uncommon last name.  This is the first time I have discovered his work someplace else.

"Taos, New Mexico" 1918-20 by Victor Higgins (1884 - 1949)

"Game Hunter (Snow)" 1922 by Victor Higgins (1884 - 1949)
"Trail Riders" 1964 by Thomas Hart Benton (1889 - 1975)

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