Saturday, September 02, 2017

Summer Vacation Redux #9: Sioux Falls: The Great Plains Zoo, part 6 of 7

Zone 6 is part of the zoo's North American collection and I got to see my first American Bison, Bison bison, of this trip...  The Great Plains Zoo maintains a herd of about 20 animals.  An adjoining area with a series of habitats was partially closed off with the construction nearby of a new set of bear habitats.  As a result, the viewing of a variety of canine species was less than optimal.
 American Bison, Bison bison.
 The Red Wolf, Canis rufus, is a critically endangered sub-species of wolf.  The zoo maintains a pack of 4 animals.  I was struck by just how lanky this species is compared to the larger Grey Wolf.  They are more like a cross between wolves and coyotes.

Two species of fox were present, the Swift Fox, Vulpes velox, and this little Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes. Whenever you see the taxonomical nomenclature repeated, you know your looking at the seminal member of the species.  You can see how the construction zone back right up to the fox's habitat.

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