Sunday, September 03, 2017

Today's sermon

I choose as my text the Gospel of St. John, Chapter 15, verse 13.

Jarring moment... In an instant--a veritable blink-of-an-eye--it happened. While engaged in the pedestrian task of placing dishes from the dishwasher back onto the shelves--the very essence of mundane domesticity, I perchanced to nudge a clean and empty little jelly jar from its place upon the uppermost shelf with a classic, newly sanitized Tupperware container. Before I could say "lickity-split" or "Holy hasenpfeffer" the small glass receptacle had launched and was careening down toward the granite counter and certain disaster.  But wait!  Eye's tightly shut in anticipation of shattered and flying glass and the sound of crystal breaking--all I heard was a muted phthumph!  "What ho?" says I.  And there it was, the savior of the day!  A once perfectly formed rectangular prism of butter--reduced to creamy, light-yellow splat.  But not glass was broken--the butter had given itself complete to save the jar. 

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