Monday, October 23, 2017

Eleven Views of the Smithsonian National Zoo #9

Back at the lower end of the zoo, it's time to visit the large cat habitats.  The National Zoo is home to a large pride of African Lions (Panthera leo) and a trio of Sumatran Tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae).  The Lions at the zoo consist of 5 females and 1 male.  Today the older females were in the largest portion of the exhibit space and they were vocalizing in such an amazing way.  In the smallest habitat, the three 4-year-old sisters were hanging out.  The last habitat was open to one of the three Sumatran Tigers at the zoo.  He was roaring like I've never seen a tiger vocalize before.  The audience/visitors were audibly stoked by his cries.  In all, I found myself experiencing these animals in ways that I never have before at this Zoo. 

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