Friday, October 13, 2017

Tuscan Cabbage Veggie Soup

One of my favorite comfort soups!

Beef Stock (or Veggie, if you want a meatless alternative)
Baby Portobello MushroomsCarrot
Green Bean
Canned Diced Tomato with Zesty Peppers
Cannellini Beans (I can, I prefer the Goya® brand)
Salt and Pepper to taste

Three bouillon cubes of beef stock in 6 quarts of water heated on medium to dissolve.  Add one medium onion diced.  At 8 ounces of baby portobello mushrooms sliced.  (There two ingredients
enrich the broth.)  Next add in 3 medium-sized carrots sliced.  Then fresh green beans cut into 1 inch lengths--I used two generous handfuls from the local market.  I used 1/2 of a small head of cabbage that I then cut into 1 inch cubes then added.  By now the whole soup is and has been simmering to a boil with lots of stirring.  Finally add in the can of diced Tomatoes and the can of beans.  Mix well and drop the heat to a slow simmer.  Give it 30-45 minutes to tenderize and infuse the ingredients.

For the cheese melt sopping bread medallions I used a good French baguette.  Buttered the sliced and added fresh green pepper and golden raisins.  Topped them with sharp cheddar cheese and set under the broiler for about 2 minutes.  You know your broiler, so time it accordingly.

And, Bon Apetit!

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