Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I Love Light

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Light is an amazing thing. Bright or subtle, it doesn't matter to me. The way it illumines, the way it exposes, the way it creates shadows: Light is the best.

And there are three times in the day when the light draws my attention without fail. 1) The Pre-Dusk: in the later hours of the day. This is most true in Summer and Fall in particular. These fotos are of my backyard in late September with this special light turning autumn leaves into reflected flames of glorious color. 2) Early morning light. The light shortly after dawn that turns anything exposed to the east into gilded treasures. 3) Full moon reflected light. Have you ever run naked across a grassy field, dancing with arms outstreatched under the silvery glow of our moon on a July evening? I have. It's really a wonderful thing to do, but only if you are a true lover of light.

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