Sunday, July 10, 2005

Zimbabwe Memoir #1

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Told you that I have been to many places! My trip to Zimbabwe was in December of 1990. It was part of a more extended visit to South Africa. In ten days, I got to see many parts of this beautiful nation.

Everywhere I went, I experienced such kindness and generosity. I traveled with my college friends, Mr. and Mrs. O. Our first stop was in the southern city of Bulawayo, where we stayed at the gracious invitation of an elderly Britisher couple -- the parents of a woman who attended the same church as Mr. and Mrs. O, in South Africa.

They were amazing people, having lived in Zimbabwe for over 30 years, and following its transition from the British colony of Southern Rhodesia, to it's then indigineously controlled nation of Zimbabwe.

At one point, we lamented our circumstances, which denied us a visit to the "Great Zimbabwe ruins" at "The Great Zimbabwe National Monument," and our male host decried, "The great Zimbabwe ruins? Just look around you!" And this seemed very accurate as we experienced both power and water outages, and drove past the carcasses of abandoned and "stripped" vehicles/busses along the dusty roadsides.

So they took us to the lesser known "Khami ruins" at the Matobo National Park. There I walked around similar circular and ancient structures and met my first rhinocerous in the wild. Also many baboons who inhabited the abandoned ruins.

And that was 15 years ago! I mourn Zimbabwe...a nation under the control of a despot leader. God, deliver the people of Zimbabwe ~ now that's a prayer worth repeating!

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