Thursday, November 10, 2005

Autumn Musings, part #2

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
As leaves fall along with temperatures, teachers face the ritual of fall conferences. I've done this 19 times now. The rite of taking my 21 years of experience and education and mixing it with two weeks of experience with their child; shaken a little, and then poured out to be tasted....

These annual conferences inevitably leave me with as many questions as it does provide others with answers.

I have a very sharp and creative group of children this year. They work well together and respond with great trust and affection toward me. Together, we create daily a place where learning happens. I toss in the curriculum, and they devour it in order to grow in knowledge and skill. Teaching is the MOST amazing vocation of all. Trust me.

This second picture of the hiker trail near my home along Sligo Creek in Montgomery County Maryland, reminds me of the Robert Frost poem; "The Road Less Taken." And as I work with, grow to know, and learn to cherish my students, I wonder what the path of their futures will look like, and how my influence can help them to be successful. To choose the "Road" ("Less Taken" or otherwise) of their BEST future.

1 comment:

  1. I had some amazing teachers and can attest that those who loved learning passed that love on to me and I am a better person for it. The best used creative techniques to open new worlds for us to explore. They didn't provide us with answers so much as taught us to question. As a teacher, you are creating the future. God bless you in your endeavors!
