Saturday, November 12, 2005

My New Fetish

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
First, it has nothing to do with the photo! I went back out to walk the path along Sligo Creek below my home again -- camera in hand. And this is one of the photos. (Hope you like it, Stevie!)

But back to the topic at hand. I have recently discovered progressive talk radio here in DC. It's 1260, WWRC. On Saturday mornings there's a show called the "Satellite Sisters." It's 5 sisters who live all over the country and come together to chat and dis and share their opinions and worlds. Marginally interesting to me, but I can appreciate the concept.

But today, one of them (I haven't figured out who's who, yet) did a review of up-coming movies based solely on the press photos. It was HILARIOUS!

And so based on her (Sheila's?) recommendations, look forward to "Brokeback Mountain" (the gay cowboy movie where the secret gay cowboy pick-up line is finally revealed: "attaboy") and Woody Allen's "Match Point" (for no other reason than Jonathan Rhys-Meyers -- Amen!) They have a website:

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