Monday, January 23, 2006

What I'm Listening To #9

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Bravo Brazil!

This is a two disc set of contemporary Brazilian music, mostly dance oriented and occasionally a little eccentric (Club Des Belugas' "Hip Hip Chin Chin" with the sound sampling of Frank Sinatra's lecture on rhythm!)....BUT still thoroughly Brazilian. The samba is ever present, as are the drums that Paul Simon made so famous in the north in his Brazilian fushion album "The Rhythm of the Saints."

And always the Portuguese. One of my favorite languages. So sensual and lush.


  1. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Thank you! I have been looking all over the internet for the name of the group that does that song. I heard it at a ballroom competition and it was driving me nuts. I was pretty sure the voice was Sinatra but I had nothing else to go on.

  2. You are very welcome. I love, correction, EARLY Francis Albert Sinatra. What a wonder this internet is! Caio, r.
