Sunday, January 22, 2006

What I'm Looking Forward to Listening To!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
I gave myself a little birthday present tonight (complete 45 years of life on the 29th).

So I went to and bought an album for every 9 years that I've been around this place. 3 are by Steve Earl, liberal wonder-boy and host of the radio talk show, "The Revolution Starts NOW," the 4th is the latest work from Bruce Springsteen. When my ex- left me (on that very day), a mutual friend from our church arrived within minutes of his departure and gave me a copy of Springsteen's tribute to 9/11. While the disasters of my little life, don't even compare to that event, this gift was a profound one. And the 5th is an alnum by Daddy Yankees who are a favorite Reggeaton group of mine, very popular in Nicaragua, and just damn fun to listen to.

SO.... life should be about our beliefs (and we MUST put our money where are mouths and hearts are): My 45th birthday will about my beliefs, my present activism, my past angst and my future hope.

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