Sunday, April 09, 2006


Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Why are Pansies so oft maligned?

They are among the hardiest of all flowers! They withstand moderate and even cold winters. They boldly proclaim their presence with colors vibrant and proud. No wonder gay men are called "pansies!"

Here's a poem that I wrote under the inspiration of my window box of pansies some years ago.


Perched upon the pot
December darkness obscuring
the world beyond the flower box

where a warm season’s
waning toward the solstice
has preserved the residence

as though it were May
and each day’s new morning
a reason for hope.

And yet, resolute, their
ghostly forms stand erect
little lion faces peering out

into the pre-dawn dark
shaking determined heads
an empathic “no” in the cold breeze

while every other atom of their
pansy-being screams “yes!”
Yes!, to the cat (or the raccoon)

who sets off the automatic floodlights
when passing into the backyard
to scrounge in the compost;

yes!, to the flashes of light white and red
from tail- and head-lights off to early obligations
passing-by on the road below;

yes!, to the ancient sentinels—
flickering sequins in the newly
wintering night. And yes!,

yes!, to the simple joy of existence.

< randuwa


It was the occasion of my 41st birthday....seems like so long ago, now.

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