Sunday, April 09, 2006

Senate Races 2006 Analysis #4

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
So far I've looked at 3 races:

Hawaii ~ 24 February 06
Virginia ~ 7 March 06
New Mexico ~ 4 April 06

And in all three I think the incubents will win. Montana is a different story.

Montana 2006 appears to be shaping up into a race worth watching. It's one of the 5 too close to call/pick-up seats that the Democrat Party is hoping to take in this year's midterms in November. Incumbent Republican senator Conrad Burns currently holds the seat. Senator Burns was first elected in 1988, and has served 3 terms thus far. Eighteen years is a long time in the senate, and frankly I doubt the average American would have a clue as to who Conrad Burns is. He seems to like life below the radar.

Yet, his low-key persona is being challenged by allegations that he conspired with indicted “uber”-lobbyist, Jack Abramov, to deliver votes in favor of Abramov's clients for certain financial “contributions”. The Dem's are portraying Burns as second only to Tom Delay of Texas in this corruption scandal. And who knows? With so many pigs squealing, anything could happen. The cloud around this is enough to make many Montanans sit up and take notice.

And whom do they have to notice on the other side? Two men are vying for the Democrat ticket: Jon Tester and John Morrison.

Both men have deep roots in Montana. Both men are traditional family men. Both men can claim the mantle of Farmer friendly--still an important constituency in this state. Of the two, Tester is the more progressive. He was a former music teacher before entering public office. His farm boasts organic agricultural practices as its evolving ethos. Morrison being more moderate is the apparent pick of the party apparatchik.

Both men post bios on their websites that read like an Abraham Lincoln log cabin great American story. Being more progressive, my heart is with Tester; but be that as it may, I will be cutting a check to support the winner of the primary.

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