Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Recommended Reading

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
The other day in the staff lounge, I was asked what magazines I read. What a delightful (and insightful) question. The answer was even interesting to myself as I pondered it's implications.

My answer in order of subscription longevity:

1) Fine Gardening
2) American Patchwork & Quilting
3) Poetry
4) Art in America
5) Virginia Quarterly Review
6) The New Yorker
7) The Gay & Lesbian Review of Harvard University.
8) Envio: A Monthly Magazine of analysis on Central America

I will commend all of these to you. They are thought provoking for the most part -- the quilting mag is purely inspirational.

In particular I have high kudus for VQR. It used to be a run of the mill university literary rag, decidedly B-list! And then they got a new editor and POW! Among its peers, it's the best bang for the buck out there, now: A++++. The current issue deals largely with Darwin and his work versus the psuedo-science of "Intelligent Design". (Why Fundimentalist Christians would ever choose to embrace an idea so ensconced in Deism is beyond me on any level. Are their movers and thinkers honestly convinced that Creationism is a lie? Or are they as opportunist and swindling as so many others (Tom Delay!) in their midst as to promote any idea that will allow them to deceive and corrupt as many others as possible---is this the face of the NEW evangelism?

But I digress, check out VQR. Your mind won't be disappointed!

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