Tuesday, April 04, 2006

What I'm Watching #15

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Dorian Blues has the feel of a gay "Garden State" without the completely lush production values. As I struggled for a quip to encapsulate its essence, I came up with "a brother movie."

And that's the heart of this film. Two brothers (gay/straight) growing up under the thumb of an oppressive father and having a sense of love and honesty between themselves (honest yet imperfect) that is strong enough to endure the father's cruelty and the mother's seeming indifference.

There are also some delightful twists: The night with the hooker that turns into a dance lesson, and the visit to the gay bar in which the straight brother discovers the presence of his peers.

It's 88 minutes well spent no matter how you slice it!

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