Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Senate Races 2006 Analysis #3

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
New Mexico is an amazing place. Stark yet stunning as geology rules over vegetation. In 2006, incumbent senator, Jeff Bingham (D) is seeking re-election.

According to "Roll Call" the magazine of the US Congress, his bid is a sure thing. So far the republicans have fostered a variety of candidates...the latest 4 of which appear in this blog. Their primary will winnow down the field to the loser, a mon avis.

While Senator Bingham is no shining star in the US Congress, he's also a straight enough shooter to stay out of trouble nationally and deliver the goods locally. I would like to see him be more aggressive in promoting progressive ideas and initiatives....but I'm realistic enough to be thankful for a senatorial seat and vote that the Republicans are not pursing and the electorate feels satisfied enough to validate in the 2006 election.

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