Monday, September 04, 2006

Art I'm Seeing #10-11

The following comments reveal my current need to experience meaning in art. No doubt, this is tied intimately to my present feelings about the war and it's dismal, draining, and probably disasterous prospects for the future.

Art gives perspective. Art opens our minds to possibilities. Art defines, and records, and inspires our humanity.

This weekend I managed to visit exhibits at the National Gallery of Art, The Freer Gallery, The Phillips Collection, The Sackler Museum and The Hirshhorn. For now I will limit my comments to the NGA -- having already posted about the Klee exhibit at the Phillips. I will probably comment on the Anselm Kiefer (and perhaps even the Jim Lambie) at the Hirshhorn, but I need a little more time to process these experiences (particularly the intense exhibition, a mon avis)

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