Monday, September 04, 2006

Art Piggy-Wootzer?

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Someone's been one! Okay, it's me....

I've spent much of this Labor Day weekend visiting and re-visiting museums in DC.

My first stop today was the National Gallery of Art, where I enjoyed a second tour of "Bellini ~ Giorgione ~ Titian, and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting". After my first foray, I purchased and intensely perused the exhibition catalogue. Spending time, in particular, studying images that I found most compelling on my first visit. Additionally, I purchased the audio tour on this visit. The results were such a heightened understanding and appreciation of the works, the artists, and the efforts of the exhibition curators, as it nearly became a graduate study course in my continuing pursuit of art knowledge and experience.

One intense impression: This detail is from a particularly enigmatic Titian in which two handsome young men find themselves so captivated by one another that they utterly ignore two beautiful nude women in their company. The image is only a detail from the whole. And the commentary on the audio tour is so banally heterocentric as to be ridiculous! Thank God for gay curators, and where was even one of them, when this commentary was penned?

And yet, it's no criticism of the exhibition. You have a fleeting 12 days to see it. Don't miss this opportunity!

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