Friday, September 15, 2006

Do You Know?

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Who this man is?

Why he's giving a speech?

What holiday today is?

Don't feel bad if you don't, I don't image very many Americans do!

He's Marine General Peter Pace (still doesn't ring a bell? ~ then shame on you!). He's OUR chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He's giving a speech on the occasion of the National POW/MIA Recognition Day, September 15th. Not a very high profile or personally significant holiday. The mail arrived on time. Banks and schools and stock markets were open for business. Why, even flags flew at full staff.

It's the perfect holiday in the age of a war on terrorism where no matter what happens Americans must not be personally inconvenienced, and only psychologically intimidated long enough to further the neo-facist agenda of the present incumbent powers that be....

Hail, Bush!!! (Or more true to the Homeland, "Bushgruß") Ouch! I gotta get back into Tae Bo, so I'm in shape and ready to Goose Step for my allegiance.

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