Friday, September 15, 2006


Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
My "nephew". James Sebastian S. Born on November 8, 2005.

When the news of the world makes me sad, his smile restores my joy. As a gay man, I will never father a child of my own. As a teacher of 22 years, I have been a serrogate dad to hundreds of children from Kentucky to Maryland, from China to Costa Rica! And many's the parent who's thanked me over the years for my influence, guidance, and caring for their children. Many of my students have expressed similar feelings. But no one else has said to me, if we die, we trust you to raise our son.

You know, he's getting extra raisins in his fruit cake!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, born on November 8th. Obviously a great kid, destined to be a great man.

    Chris, born on November 8th (1952)
