Saturday, September 16, 2006

Little Nathan, All Grown-Up!

Charlie Hunnam
Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
You ever enjoy a movie or TV show that has a child or teenage cast member and not see them again for years and wonder what's become of them? Will Wheaton of Star Trek the Next Generation or his co-star in "Stand By Me," Jerry O'Connell, for instance. And Google Jerry, you won't believe how that caterpillar blossomed!

So I thought, what's happened to the precocious, Nathan (Charlie Hunnam, né 10 April 1980), from "Queer As Folk?" Well, he's become a man. He's the kid on the left in the top image and the bottom two photos speak for themselves. He's enjoyed magazine features in GQ, Elle, Interview, Details, L'uomo to name a few; and been an Abercrombie and Fitch model. He's acted in a major film or TV series every year since QaF, the ones most familiar to US audiences are "Cold Mountain" in which he played Bosie, and "Nicholas Nickleby" were he was none other than Nicholas Nickleby, himself! He's in pre-production work on the film "Memroires of Hadrian" with Antonio Banderas and Paz Vega. He portrays Antonius.

I didn't join the fan club, but I'm glad he is healthy and doing the things that bring him fulfillment.

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