Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Midterm Election 2006 Redux, part 5

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Another race for the Senate dissected by county from the 06 Mid-terms: PENNSYLVANIA.

It seemed clear, early on, that Pennsylvania had had enough of Rick "Man-on-Dog" Santorum as their Senator. Rick is a rabid mysoginist, homophobic, Catholic who had no visible physical connection to the state of Pennsylvania, but who was happy to represent the views of the collective Neo-Conservative movement in the United States as though everybody in Erie, College Station or Levittown was in lockstep with these "values". Shame, shame little Ricky....OR...."Liar, Lair, pants on FIRE!" Power corrupts!

So here's the map. Pennsylvania has often been described in progressive circles as Pittsburgh and Philadelphia with "Alabama" in the middle. The results of the midterm election would suggest that while this was once true, there is a definite chink in the armor of "Dixie" in the Keystone State!

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