Monday, November 13, 2006

Patrick Murphy, PA 8

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
The words of thanks sent to me (and thousands of others) from the newly elected House Representative to the US Congress from Pennsylvania's 8th District:

"Dear Friends,

"Thank you. You put your hopes and hearts in my hands - and for that I will be more grateful then I can ever express or you might ever realize.

"For me the journey began in 138 degree heat, on the streets of Baghdad. We were sent to battle without enough troops and without a plan to win the peace. 19 guys from my unit, who never made it home, deserved a government as honest and as decent as they were.

"Now begins the real journey - not just for me, but for all of us here in the 8th district. We are going to bring back optimism. We are going to bring back hope. And, we are going to bring back possibility.

"As your Congressman-Elect I am more humbled, more hopeful and more assured in my faith and in the American people than I ever could have imagined when I began this journey over a year ago.

"Thank you for your support. Thank you for your trust. And I promise you one thing - I will make you proud."

For me, it was money well spent!

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