Monday, April 02, 2007

It's Cherry Blossom Festival in D.C.

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Went down to the Mall/Tidal Basin to enjoy the cherry blossoms and....HONESTLY what was I thinking? The place was as busy with tourists as a neglected slice of watermelon is with ants at a mid-July picnic! And the traffic, you don't want to know! Nothing short of a taxi, or a tour bus, or a sinless life could have gotten me anywhere near to the major attractions: The Jefferson Memorial, The Washington Monument, or the FDR Memorial.

I ended up traversing the length of Ohio Avenue around the Tidal Island. This picture was rendered at a great location, some distance from the monument. The day was nearly perfect, but my timing was off. Clearly I need to arrive in the area closer to 7 AM to find parking, and not 10 AM!

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