Sunday, April 01, 2007

We ALL Need To Do Our Part

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
And we all CAN make a difference.

My home has around, 1800 sq. ft. and in its 3 stories (basement, ground floor, second floor), there are 48 light bulbs. I have thus far replaced 12 of them with LED bulbs. I am committed to replace all of them with these better bulbs: these more energy efficient cadre of light bulbs.

It would cost me upwards of $300 to make a carte blanc total change, so I have chosen to make the change over time with a sense of urgency. The bulbs use less energy, last a lot longer, seem to give off the same if not more lumination. It's all win-win. Join me. Let's be winners all!

1 comment:

  1. Good work changing your light bulbs - for more ideas go to my blog
