Saturday, July 07, 2007


Originally uploaded by Randuwa
There's a new guest in my gardens. The svelte Cambodian version of Siddhartha Guatama of Kshatriya, a.k.a. "the Buddha," has joined cement casts of St. Francis of Asissi and a cat playing with a ball of yarn (which marks the grave of my beloved "Buster the Usurper"--the truest friend I've ever had.) He sits serenely, nay, majestically, amidst my potted peppers, parsley, and basil, with rosemary, st. john's wart and Michaelmass asters all around. And, frankly, I found him at my local Target for 20% off! An incidental fact that would no doubt cause the original no end of delight.

May we all end up surrounded by herbs and on sale!

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