Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Everyday Activism

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
As you surely know, I HATE this awful, destructive, manipulative, Self-BUSH-serving war. It's a travesty, built upon lie after lie, profiting only the friends of our President and his Administration Members, and devastating our armed forces, our faithful and earnest men and women who risk their lives in our behalf and under Bush's authority.

But feelings are not enough. And so I spend a great deal of my time actively opposing this impossible to win "war" and helping others to be more aware of it's consequences. I fear that most Americans have little reason to care one way or the other about it.

Enter my latest project: Operation Bill Payment. From now on my bills will go to my creditors in envelops that bear a pair of images of soldiers killed in the war along with their basic stats. The following phrase will adorn the envelop below the recipient's address:

"Their duty was to protect our freedom
Our duty is to never forget their sacrifice."

It's probably nothing spectacular in the pantheon of anti-war protests. But it's also something that I can do to keep the cost of this war front and center in some people's minds. Imagine what would happen if each of us did this?

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