Sunday, February 10, 2008

Democratic Party Primary Results #2

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Another way to color the map is county results wherever possible. And where it ain't done that way (some of the caucus states), it looks like this

Alaska by 74%
Kansas by 74%
Nebraska by 68%
North Dakota by 61%
And today in Maine by 57%

New Mexico by 49%

Via counties, it's clear that Obama is winning among most urban voters. In states that he lost, he still dominated in Sacramento, San Francisco, Reno, Oklahoma City, Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, Newark, Trenton and Boston. And arguably his victory in Missouri was thanks to voters in Columbia, Kansas City, and St. Louis.

And Hillary has also cities: places like Little Rock, New York, Buffalo, Rochester, Phoenix, Tucson, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Diego. The difference being that she also won the states. Where she lost the states, she by-and-large lost the cities.... She came up short in Seattle, Boise, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Denver, Des Moines, Chicago, Shreveport, New Orleans, Birmingham, Montgomery, Atlanta, Savannah, Charleston, Wilmington, Hartford, and Duluth.

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