Sunday, February 10, 2008

What I'm Watching #134

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
"The Bubble" by Eytan Fox is a film from Israel. Shot in Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles, it's the story of three young Israeli's and a chance encounter with a young Palestinian. Our Protagonists Noam and Ashraf fall in love, but the worlds they were born into won't allow even the happiness of love to last.

The "Making of...." featurette that accompanies the DVD is also powerful. Fox shot the film in 33 days and used locals as extras. In a scene shot at a boarder crossing, he used palestinians as extras, halfway through the day, he received a phone call that one of the Palestinians home had been accidentally bombed by an israeli air strike and his daughter was injured.... The movie grabs you just like that.

It's a powerful, amazing, and poignant film. Everyone should see this one, and have your box of Puff's at your side.

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