Sunday, February 10, 2008

Democratic Party Primary Results

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
A picture says 1000 words....

But I'll add a few more.

Hillary has won 11 states
by an average of 53.5% of the vote.

Barack has won 18 states
by an average of 61.4% of the vote.

The difference of about 8 points remains even if we remove IA and NH from those percentages because John Edwards had a major influence in both statesr:

Clinton: 54.9%
Obama: 63.5%

As to the state based delegate count (not including MI & FL who's delegates won't be seating because they moved their primaries up too close to the start of the contests):

Clinton: 910
Obama: 1016

This is far from an exacting science; most states have not officially awarded all of their state proportioned delegates and so I apportioned them by the % of votes; and there are hundreds of unpledged “super delegates” that aren’t even in these numbers anywhere.

Bottom line, the race is still on and it's my turn to vote on Tuesday!

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