Monday, June 23, 2008

2008 Senate Races #02: Delaware

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Delaware is a small state, and this will be a small post. I found this commentary at: and just couldn't resist sharing it with you for all the many reasons suggested by it.

"Joe Biden wants to be president. He's been running for the job on and off since 1988, when his campaign was sidetracked after it became known that he plagiarized a speech from a British politician, Neil Kinnock. He'll have to settle for a seventh term in the Senate, where he has served since he was 30. The Republicans nominated a PR consultant, Christine O'Donnell, which will give her some PR for her business. Maybe she can even find a nice right-winger to marry (she's 37 and single). But she has zero chance of becoming a U.S. senator."

Spot-on me mate!

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