Saturday, June 21, 2008

Presidential Race 2008 #01

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Where we stand on June 21, 2008.

Florida is not in play. Today she sits dead tied and her 27 votes are irrelevant. Obama has a commanding lead with 47 more Electoral College votes than he needs to clinch the White House. McCain stumbles in 76 votes short of victory. God, wouldn't that be a great out come?! Too bad we've still got 5 months to go....

And yet there's a real story brewing here. Today, Obama wins all of the states that Kerry won and adds to that cadre: Ohio, Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, Virginia, and Missouri. That's great. But check out the next level of Republican "weak links": North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada, and Alaska! The most recent pole I saw from Georgia gave Obama the lead, but with a slim margin well within the error ban. In Alaska the Republican Party is being decimated by scandals involving kickback and inside deals with the oil companies. North Carolina's first term Republican senator is behind her Democrat opponent.

It's a very interesting place to begin this historic race. I can't imagine a more clear and profound pairing of candidates.

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