Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dem Veep Thoughts

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
What I recall from the primary race was how early on Joe Biden was seen as the most qualified of all of the candidates to serve as president, but he just lacked any of the critical attributes to get noticed. And saying this by no means is meant to besmurge any of the other wannabe's most especially Barack Obama who was my candidate early on in this process. It's more a reflection of the Dem's embarrassment of riches. And I had on my personal short list: Senator Christopher Dodd and Governor Bill Richardson...also members of the wannabe club.

So said, I honestly believe that choosing Joe Biden as his partner in the executive branch is an excellent choice. Too many of the others on the "short list" lacked experience. The selection of a woman would have been too risky...electing a man of mixed race parents will be enough of a paradigm shift after the past eight years of regressive, self-serving, and xenophobic governance.

And though I know that Hillary Clinton is a wonderful, capable leader in her own right, her very actions throughout the primary process right down to her ultimatums regarding her place in the agenda of the convention next week, demonstrate how IMPOSSIBLE it would be for her to play a supportive, second-fiddle role in Barack Obama's administration. I would argue that she is an excellent candidate for Majority Leader of the Senate, but I wouldn't even think that there is a role for her in an Obama administration worthy of her ego. A woman has already done all the good stuff. What fun is there in being Ruth Bader-Ginsberg? when Majority Leader would make her a Nancy Pelosi or Frances Perkins!

In his introduction as the Veep, Joe's credentials in foreign affairs, his affinity for working class/blue collar Americans, and his Catholicism have been emphasized. Now that's a sign of growth. The last time a Catholic set his sights on the white house, he had to promise America that he would maintain a separation of church and state at all costs and bent over backwards to de-emphasize his faith affiliation.

My favorite part of the speeches today from Springfield was the assertion that Joe Biden knows the names of every conductor on the Amtrak commuter train from Washington to Wilmington. And I'll bet he also knows how many houses he owns!

Final thought: Good choice Barack. My contribution has been sent via the WWW. Looking forward to getting the T-Shirt.

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