Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Hobby

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
This summer I've begun collecting some Rex Begonia varieties. They seem to like the environment of my sun room, and they're really quite beautiful. I've yet to see one of them bloom, but that doesn't worry me. It's the foliage that wears their crowns.

The shape and texture of the leaves runs the gamut from palmate to oblate. Some even develop with a swirl worthy of any fossilized nautilus. And the colors!--every shade of green from chartreuse and pine to kelly and watermelon rind; there's chocolate and blood red, mauve, silver and brick, as well. They are spotted, striped and veined, even traced in their multi-colored designs. As they remind me of the wings of butterflies, I'm sure they display to both attract pollinators and give camouflage to the same in the wild.

I still love my geraniums and this has been a particularly good year for me and ferns; but orchids just need more than I can give, and bougainvillea? Beloved, but not a match....

Hence, "Hail the Begonia!"

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