Sunday, August 31, 2008

Isn't It Ironic #2

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
On the cusp of the Republican convention, the Gulf Coast around New Orleans is again bracing itself for a mega-hurricane.

The symbolism and IRONY is so thick, it's really hard to knwo where to begin idealogically. It's NOT hard to start this post on any other level:

PRAY. Ask your God/s to send waves of grace, compassion, and providence to the people of the Gulf Coast.

As to the rest of it....Let's pretend we are Pat Robertson. That seems fair and amusing enough. Natural disasters are NOT natural but acts of God, after all. So what's bringing this one on at this time?

1) Is God angry at Republicans and therefore wants to kill innocents and sinners alike in Louisiana (once again) simply to disrupt their convention in St. Paul? It will work, but God probably already knew that.

2) Is God angry because Louisiana's incumbent Democratic senator has surged in the poles from in Jeopardy to safe status in retaining her seat?

3) Is God simply trying to give all the political leaders along the Gulf Coast a SECOND chance at compitency? What a generous God.

Or is this just another harbinger of our world gone logical in the realm of global warming? And God remains happy enough to let us stew in our own juices?


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