Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sweet Dreams

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
It's a new school year. For me that means that I'm just about ready to start my 25th year of being a public school teacher. OMG Where has all the time gone?

The pic is my night stand, the first thing I see every morning as I wack the alarm's sleep mode for 9 more precious minutes. It's the last thing I see at night as I grab the chain and turn off the lamp.

With a quarter century under the belt of my vocation, I have no regrets. In an era when we are told that most people will change careers 5 times in their life time, I am so thankful that my career (my calling) remains the same and is aging for me like a fine wine -- it gets better every single year.

In my present role, I am an extra-classroom educator in the role of Staff Development Teacher. It's my third year in this postion at my school.

In this postion, I support the staff in every way possible to ensure that they bring each student to their highest potential. I am most humbled and thrilled by the fact that I lead the charge in eliminating the gap between the success of our students without distinguishing between their racial, socio-economic, differently-abled, and non-english speaking status. I believe that no child should be left behind.

Today, the leadership of my school hosted a luncheon for the new staff members -- it's an annual pre-service event. This year we welcomed 11 new members to a staff of 110. After the eating, there was a time of presenting services from various members of the leadership like the Media Specialist and the Counselor. I went last.

I surveyed the glazed-eyes and made a decision to keep my remarks breif and focused (I do like, god-aweful everything and anything for the teachers -- my remarks alone could have usurped the entire hour.)

So I said to the new staff:

"You are getting tons of information about the students you are about to teach: Facts, figures, opinions, histories, anecdotes. No doubt you've already thought about some students who will present to you a particular challenge in this year. I would ask you to make this commitment: Decide to be their best friend, to be their catalyst, to make for them this year their BEST year ever -- to rock their worlds with your attention, your patience, your rigor, your grace, and your power. You are powerful. You have the power to rock worlds, fix hurts, and change lives.

And I am your greatest advocate, your first resource, your constant cheerleader. Go forth and have the most amazing year of your career!"

I hope you're as challenged and content with your jobs as I am.

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