Sunday, October 12, 2008

3 Views Of My Yard: October 12th

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
It was such a wonderfully perfect early autumn day. The warm sun against the low humidity created an irresistible atmosphere for being outside.

I worked on the little patio that I had previously laid out just off of my sun porch. I leveled the stones and added a frame of deeper bricks. Then I spread and slowly filled the seems with a fine sand using first a broom and then flowing water.

To my surprise and pleasure, my neighbor (J.) had redefined the edging between our yards to the day before and in doing so drew it back into his yard a good 4". In the past this has been an issue....

While working, J. emerged and we had a pleasant conversation about the patio and hedgerow that I also had recently put in. He approves of both and wondered if I might not want to shift the hedge six inches or so closer to his yard. A generous suggestion, but not something I have the energy to do. I reminded him that the grown bushes would extend a good 10/12" toward his yard and offered to put in fresh mulch on the newly expanded strip.

Based on the sun, I expect the mature hedge to reach a width of 16 to 18," with the lion share of the growth and foliage to be on his (the south) side of the plant's base.

Now, two more brief views....

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