Saturday, October 18, 2008

On The Campaign Trail #01

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
How did you spend your Saturday morning? I tidied up the kitchen, raked some leaves, enjoyed a cup of coffee.

Both McCain and Obama where on the campaign trail. Both speaking before voters in battleground states. Both holding rallies. Both stumping for votes. Yet, inspite of the similarities there were differences. And it’s in the differences that you discover again why one candidate continues to rise in the polls and the other appears more angry and more desperate with each passing day.

McCain chose an enclosed venue with limited access. Obama spoke in an open air public park. McCain’s event required tickets, while Obama’s was free and open to everyone. McCain arrived in Concord, North Carolina to discover about 7,000 enthusiastic supporters awaiting his speech (the Carrabas Conference Facility & Events Center holds a capacity crowd of 7,480--more than any other venue in Carrabas County). Obama found himself presiding over a crowd of 100.000+ hopeful, excited supporters and potential supporters under the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri.

Do the math: 7,000 versus 100,000. It would appear that Americans are deciding in favor of the Audacity of Hope.

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