Saturday, October 18, 2008

What I'm Watching #168

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
I first heard of this film at the 2003 Gay and Lesbian Film Festival in San Francisco. It was one of the featured movies, but I wasn't able to catch it. And so ever since, I've always known I would eventually see it.

It's the story (sort of) of members of the GLBT community of Olympia, Washington.

It's production values fail on every conceivable level -- but like a train wreck, I was unable to divert my attention. The actors aren't. The sound quality jumps across time and space with every change of the camera angle (I guess they only had one camera...or one tape record). The dialogue is preachy, stilted, unnatural, and at times non-sensical. The plot goes from somewhere completely irrelevant to nowhere in particular. Ideas and characters are introduced and then never heard from again.... a merciful omission to be sure.

At one point I remember crying out in my tortured boredom, "Please, God, someone have graphic sex!" And then, they did (or attempted to make it look like it). And I nearly fell into a coma.

And the inane, insipid, piano score and incidental music... OMG, I don't have the words to describe how wrong, wrong, WRONG it was!

Look, I've lost these 118 minutes of my life... For the love of all things Campy, don't make the same mistake! You've been warned.

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