Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Best Day Ever!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
I was not one of the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people who truly braved bone-chilling temperatures to be on the Mall today. I substituted the immediacy of playing an insignificant role in this historic event for the awesomeness of witnessing its full spectacle on TV.

There were actually moments in the past 8 years when I despaired of ever redeeming my beloved America from the clutches of idiots, imbeciles, evil cynical manipulators, war mongers, fear mongers, racists, homophobes, misogynists, moralists who's power alone surpassed their hypocrisy. They robbed us of our good name among the nations. They raped us of our resources and solvency. They pillaged their personal foes at the expense of our greatest human resources with lies and means that were without scruples.

Did you see how George-the-Lesser looked like a buffoon on the stage today? In his dry-drunk world of self-delusion, could he even fail to see today as a national indictment upon his Presidency? Could anyone be that stupid?

And you know what? I feel so FUCKING happy that this chapter is closed. My joy is only surpassed by my sense of hope for Obama. (This must be what it feels like to be manic-depressive....)




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