Thursday, January 22, 2009

What I'm Watching #182

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Keeping with my recent viewings a first commerically distributed films with gay themes from the United States and the United Kingdom, I add this German film from 1977. "Die Konsequenz" is the story of Martin who has been sent to a minimal security jail after being convicting of intimate relations with a boy of 15. There, he is pursued by Thomas the 17 year old son of one of the prison guards. The rest of the movie is about the consequences of their relationship. Most of which are not good.

With both "A Very Natural Thing" (1973 US) and "Nighthawks" (1978 UK), the actors fell into obscurity if not completely off of the face of the earth. While this film's principles remain gainfully employed to this day. Jurgen Prochnow who portrays the older Martin has actually gone on to have lesser roles in movies like "The English Patient" and "The DaVinci Code". Like the other two films from this era of budding liberation, "Die Konsequenz" depicts a world that is without external systemic support, a world where the strength of individual conviction is the only source of strength.

We've come so far in such a short period of time.

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