Sunday, February 15, 2009

Democracy, BIG D

StimulusMapSpending, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

What if the money about to be spent in the "stimulus package" were spent as a result of how the majority of American's felt about the current regime and the way in which their federal representives voted?

That would be democracy in action, no?

This map represents the degree of fiscal input based on 1) if the state voted for Obama, 2) how many of their 2 Senators voted for the bill, and 3) if their member of the House of Representatives voted for the bill.

So sorry, Salt Lake City, Boise, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Wichita, Chattanooga, and Knoxville....Hang in there Idaho, Wyoming, and Alabama. When you feel the pain, let your congress members know....

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