Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Night On Avenue Q

avenueq, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

Caught the one week engagement of the Off-Broadway musical "Avenue Q" at the Warner Theater in Washington D.C. tonight. What's to be said of it? What was ground breaking in 2001 is yesterday's news...songs glorifying Internet Porn, The struggles of a closeted Republican Homosexual, a Yuppy without a job and/or a pupose.... These are not radical, controversial, or exceedingly interesting topics for the stage or any place else.

So what can be said.... It was sweet, clever, and moderately funny, too. What begs the larger question: as we accelerate and free-fly into Nano-Modernity how will Off- or On-Broadway hope to keep pace and be relevant satirically; or will it simply be relagated to nostolgia? A stage version of the History Channel.

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