Saturday, April 11, 2009

Art I'm Seeing #37

moranditpc, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

I went to The Phillips Collection today to tour the current exhibition: "Morandi: Master of Modern Still Life". Morandi is an italian artist who was active from the early 1910's through his death in 1964. He made the bulk of his career out of painting the same set of bottles, jars, vases, pots, bowls, and other domestic elements for about 40 years. Over than span the quality and complexity of the paintings gradually waned; they flattened, the colors fleshed out, the number of objects lessened. And while earlier times included a few landscapes and organic components like flowers, for the most part the latter work grew more and more stark.

As it happened, I toured this modest exhibit in reverse chronological order.

This....inspite of some Dutch women who would not SHUT UP and her boyfriend who egged her on with a flurry of "uh hughs" and "okays" while all the time manuevring her to allow him a better view at the art on the walls.....proved very interesting.

My initial reaction to the later paintings was disdain. They're really poorly executed. I found myself asking whether or not Morandi drank. Especially, as the earlier works grew more complex and aesthetically appealing.

And then I did a time check and toured the exhibit in the correct chronological order. His early works are clearly derivative of the Impressionists, and from there you see influences leading all of the way up to a pre-minimalist sensibility. The works offer more than the casual eye can see, and much for me to ponder.

At The Phillips Collection through May 24, 2009

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