Sunday, April 12, 2009

Today's Sermon #14

rowanlecompte, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

Yesterday, on NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday, host Paul Simon interviewed one of the most amazing, gracious, and generous people you’ve never heard of. His name is Rowan Lecompte; and for lifetime now he has been the creator of the stainglassed windows at the National Cathedral here in Washington. The entire interview is utterly amazing, and here’s one example.

Paul Simon asked, “Do you believe in God?”

And Rowan LeCompte replied: “I believe in kindness and love. And there are those who say that those are God. I don’t know, but I respect and love kindness and love, and worship them. And if I am worshipping God; I am delighted.

“And I want very much for all of us to have another chance of life, at life after we die. I don’t know that that’s possible. And I don’t know that I’ll ever find out. But I hope I will. And rejoice totally because there are a number of people that I have loved so much in my life that have died.

“I’d love to see my dear, dear, scientific professor brother. I loved to see my mother again. She was so kind, she was the embodiment of kindness, goodness, and love. And they both of them died long before their time: mother from cancer, and Stuart from dispair.

“...enough of my private life. But I love love, and I love kindness. I wish churches would emphasis more kindness -- kindness to everybody.”

You can hear the entire interview at:

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