Saturday, March 27, 2010

Yes We STILL Can

Here's a wonderful video mashup that shows more clearly than any words I can concoct why I am a Democrat.

It also really punctuates a week in which my people have made a real difference in the lives of me and my neighbors and in the history of this nation.

1) Healthcare Reform has turned the lumbering, leaking super tanker of the industrial medical complex in a new direction. It's not perfect, nor is this battle over, but damn it the ship toward destruction no longer sails in that destination.

2) Student Loans have been dramatically altered to a point that will hopefully simplify the process and place the future of this nation in the hands of elected officials who have the best interest of this nation's success in their hands and not the fiscal bottom line of a for profit industry that routinely feeds off of the most vulnerable clients for the benefit of it's wealthiest members.

3) Nuclear Proliferation between Russia and the United States have agreed to reduce by more than 1,000 the number of mutually assured destruction based warheads renewing a process that was begun by Ronald Reagan and allowed to lapse under the incompetent presidency of George Bush-the-Lesser.

4) "Don't Ask Don't Tell" had its first significant chip taken away in a process designed to make irrelevant the sexual lives of the men and women who serve this nation in its armed forces. For the life of me, I just cannot understand why gays are not as trustworthy to be moral as those who breed. There is no empirical data anywhere to suggest that this isn't true.

5) Positions Filled when President Obama made 15 recess nominations after nearly a year of Republican holds. To date president Obama has used this option less that 30 times. The Republicans in the Senate cry foul like little babies without their mother's teat to suck upon, but George H. W. Bush used this approach 170 times!~ Honestly, who the baby in this picture?

6) 8 Billion Dollars! The pending resale of the United State's holding in Citigroup purchased as part of the financial bail out is set to net the US treasury 8 Billion dollars. Even Everett Dirksen would have to acknowledge that that's "Real Money".


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